Microfinance is one of the powerful tools for helping people improve their economic situation, especially in the developing countries. By offering the financial services to those who usually do not have access to the banks, the microfinance institutions (MFIs) have thus helped millions of people in enhancing their quality of life. This blog post aim...
Panel data analysis is a statistical analysis technique that is common in econometrics and social sciences where data is collected and observed at different time periods from the same subjects. This kind of analysis gives more insights about the data in terms of variability and more precise estimates of the relationships between variables. EViews is a specialized St...
Are you a student who has encountered difficulties completing the time series analysis assignments in RStudio? This is not a reason to lose interest or give up, as you should not be intimidated by the codes or the complex concepts. The study of time series is critical to learners in statistics, biostatistics, epidemiology, data science, and data analysis. Understand...
Indifference curves and revealed preference theories are useful concepts for MBA students who want to make proper decisions in the real world. This post is written with the intention of providing MBA students with a comprehensive explanation of the principles of indifference curves and their role in revealed preference theory. A step-by-step calculation on how to co...
Financial modelling is a critical skill for students learning financial economics. It involves creating representations of financial scenarios to aid in decision-making, valuation, and strategic planning. This guide aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of financial modelling, practical steps to build effective models, and resources to further ...