
Impact Of Immigration On Economic Growth Of European Countries

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There has been heated political discussion on migration in the last few years. The majority of people see immigration in a good light, yet there are still others who hold misunderstandings and worries. As an example, there are those who believe that migrants are bad for economy. Many individuals leave nations that do not provide enough protection for their residents in search of places that better meet their social and economic needs. Migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers are reshaping social and economic fabric of Europe in different ways.

Immigrants in developed countries boost productivity and production in the near and medium terms.

The pandemic, however, has caused a sudden halt to migration. Despite the transient nature of the Great Lockdown, the epidemic has the potential to increase scepticism and hostility against openness, which might impact propensity to accept migrants in the long run. Poorer nations that depend heavily on remittances sent home by migrant workers would be particularly hit by a decrease in immigration and high unemployment rates in destination economies.

Fact Check on the number of recent immigrants to the European Union.

According to official reports, there were about 3.5 million people that arrived in the European Union in 2022 as refugees with asylum status. Since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, around 4.2 million Ukrainians have been granted temporary shelter in the countries that are members of the European Union.

According to the European Union Agency for Asylum, the Syrians and Afghans continue to be the greatest groups of asylum-seekers in the bloc, with around 100,000 applications made in 2023. This is a continuation of their annual record. Afghanistan and Syria continue to be the largest groups.

There was a total of 213,896 migrants who made their way to Europe in 2022, according to the information provided by the International Organization for Migration. It has also been claimed that migrants from several African nations, including Algeria and Libya, are asking for safety inside Europe.

Economic impact

However, research has shown that immigrants residing in developed nations have a positive impact on economic production and productivity both in the short and long term. More precisely, the data indicates that a 1 percentage point rise in the number of immigrants entering the workforce compared to the overall employment rate leads to a nearly 1 percent growth in production by the fifth year.

The reason for this is that both native and immigrant workers possess a wide range of abilities that enhance each other and result in higher productivity in the labour market. The simulations also suggest that even small improvements in productivity resulting from immigration have a positive impact on the average income of native individuals.

The Positives

Due to the large number of migrants who arrive each year, several nations in Europe are rethinking their immigration policies in order to take into account the political pressure and the possibility of confrontations with their own population. When it comes to the topic of boosting the production of fiscal domain, however, the majority of European nations see migrants as newcomers who have the potential to improve the economic stability of the country over the course of a longer period of experience.

Migration challenges in the future

Over the course of the next thirty years, the population of developing nations and emerging markets will continue to expand, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, migratory pressures toward more developed economies are projected to increase. During the period between 2020 and 2050, the graphic illustrates, for instance, the increasing migratory pressures that are coming from Africa and the Middle East to Europe. Global migration pressures, on the other hand, are expected to stay about the same at three percent of the total population of the globe.

18-Apr-2024 15:58:00    |    Written by kennedy

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